How Much Does It Cost To Have a Baby?

There is nothing as great as having a family. There is just great joy on giving birth and welcoming a newborn home. We all have those times when the people we want to have kids with the people that we love, and there is nothing more joyous like when there is a family around. A home without a child is a reckless home. I am only being honest here. And this is actually why we pray to God to favor our family and give us the gift of a newborn.

having a baby

Parenting tips for parents

Sometimes, parenting should come with a Manual. Being a new parent is tough. Pregnancy does little to prepare you for what is to come. No matter how terrible the morning sickness, or how strong the cravings, pregnancy and childbirth is nothing compared to what comes after the baby is born. After two or three days in the hospital, they send you home. And this is when you start to wish that parenting comes with a manual.

How much food should you feed the baby? What happens when they cry? Is it okay for you to cry as well when things become too much? Should you breastfeed and for how long? Should the baby sleep facing up, down or sideways? Those are just some of the questions you will wish you had answers to. It takes a village to raise a child. Prepare to get contradicting parenting advice from your mother, mother-in-law, friends, other mums and even strangers.

The first few weeks after the baby is born are the toughest for both the parents and the baby. Other than the fact that the mother is yet to recover from childbirth, they have to deal with visitors during the day and a baby who wakes up for a feeding every two hours at night. If a mother does not rest well, she cannot be able to take care of the baby the way she should. Sleeping during the day whenever the baby sleeps is the best parenting advice a new mother will ever get. This is the only time when it is okay to be selfish. If you have friends over, excuse yourself and take a rest. It will do well to both the mother and the newborn baby.

Colic is an issue that affects most babies. This is when a newborn cries uncontrollably for hours and hours. Tummy gasses swallowed as the baby is feeding cause colic. To reduce the risk of your baby developing colic, it is important to ensure that a baby burps after every feeding. Another tip that works is to ensure that the baby feeds on one breast until it is completely empty before offering her the other one. This is because not all milk is the same. While the fore-milk is rich in sugar and water to quench the baby faster, the hind-milk contains fats that help in digestion thus preventing the gas buildup in the tummy. If the baby does get uncomfortable after taking all the necessary measures, massaging the tummy and giving the baby a warm bath will release the gas and reduce the discomfort.

When it comes to sleeping, many parents have differing theories as to the best way to place your baby when sleeping. Your mother will probably tell you that the baby should sleep on the stomach to avoid choking in case she spits up. This is not only untrue, it is also very dangerous. One of the risks that newborns have is SIDS. Short for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS is the cause of many unexplained deaths in children below one year. One of the SIDS causes is suffocation when a baby sleeps on their tummy. To reduce the risk, ensure that your baby sleeps on their back at all times.

The last tip is on feeding. Breast milk is enough for a baby for the first six months of their life. It contains all the essential nutrients and is very good when it comes to boosting your babies’ immune system. It not only costs nothing, it also comes in the right temperature and packaging and there is no chance of contamination. Studies have shown that breastfed babies have reduced likelihood of developing major health conditions later in life. Obesity is an example. Mothers who have to go back to work after three months can still give their babies the goodness of breast milk by expressing milk using a breast pump.

The list can never be comprehensive. Parenting will throw you one challenge after another. The good thing about not having a parenting handbook is that there is no right or wrong way to do it. At the end of the day, it is important to go with your instant and do what feels best for your kid. This is because as a parent, you have your child’s best interest at heart.

How much does it cost?

The cost of having a baby begins from early pregnancy to delivery. A pregnant woman needs regular monthly, then bi-monthly and eventually weekly check-ups during her pregnancy. Delivery costs may range highly depending on the type of birth, such as vaginal or caesarean births. Other factors which contribute to cost raise may include birth complications, extra drugs that the mother should take and similar other factors.

• According to, the average cost of prenatal care is around $2,000 if you don’t have insurance.

• The cost of a prenatal vitamin, which is 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid,is $10 to $20 per month.

• A pregnant woman may see her Doctor 12 to 14 times during the nine month and each visit may cost her $100 to $200.

• Most of the time, prenatal care is covered by health insurance. According to Kaiser Family Foundation most insurance companies cover around 87% of your prenatal care costs. Out of pocket costs may range from as low as $200 to thousands of dollars if the pregnancy has complications.

• A regular vaginal birth may cost between $9,000 to $17,000 depending on the hospital, the cost of living of the state, the baby’s and mother’s health condition.

• A caesarean birth (C-section) may cost $14,000 to $25,000 again depending on the hospital and the cost of living of the State.

• Families with insurance pay a very small percentage of the above costs which usually ranges from $500-$3,000 if there are no complications with the pregnancy.

• New born baby stuffs may cost you $450 on average for must haves.

What should be included?

• The first prenatal visit usually takes place between the 8th to 12th weeks of pregnancy. During the first prenatal visit the Doctor takes your medical history and does lot of examinations such as blood type compatibility, ultrasound image of the baby, HIV test and other important examinations.

• gives detail information on your first prenatal visit.

• During the rest prenatal visits, the mother’s weight, blood pressure and the baby’s heart beat and position will be checked. Depending on pregnancy complications, other tests and examinations may be carried out.

• Immediately after delivery, the Doctor will perform check-ups for the baby till it leaves the hospital.

• The mother and the baby will stay in the hospital for two to four days depending on the type of delivery; vaginal or caesarean.

Extra Costs may include

• If the pregnancy has complications, extra costs may be incurred. Costs may range from hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on the type of complication.

• Private rooms may charge several hundred dollars

• Any complications with the mother or the child may increase costs.

• If the baby is a boy and needs to be circumcised, that will be an additional cost.

How to save money

• Planning ahead before getting pregnant helps you to save money. Some insurance companies may not accept requests for signing up for a life insurance when you are already pregnant.

• There are free or discounted prenatal care givers for pregnant women who don’t have insurance. You can find their list from the American Pregnancy Association Website.

• If you can’t afford pregnancy vitamins, most hospitals are glad to provide you for free.

• Most of the time, midwife services are one third cheaper than those of an obstetrician/gynecologist.

• Paying in cash and upfront saves you money during delivery.

• Talk with your hospital for discounts. Many hospitals offer discounts for those who meet a certain annual income and don’t have insurance.

How much does it cost to have a baby Prenatal to Age Three?

The Affordable Care Act has components to lower the cost for having a baby in the United States of America. One of the immediate savings from the ACA include a stipulation requiring that all health insurance plans are now required to cover preventive health care including prenatal costs. The estimated cost of prenatal care without insurance is estimated at $2,000. The free preventive care includes anemia screening, Rh incompatibility, and folic acid supplements. This means that women of child bearing years (18-44) will receive preventive care and prenatal visits without having to make a co-payment.

The ACA also requires insurances to cover anesthesia services, hospitalizations which occur during pregnancy, ultra sound testing and genetic screenings. This does not mean there aren’t co-payment costs for the patient, but there is a cap on how much a woman will have to pay for giving birth. The differences implemented by the Affordable Care Act reduce the rate of many procedures in having a child and cutting the costs for expectant mothers. The mandated insurance coverage also gives the new mother breastfeeding assistance with a lactation consultant and a breast pump.

Survey report on costing

Hospital rates for giving birth vary immensely. A study conducted at UC San Francisco found ranges from $3,296 – $37,227 for an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. The range for having a C-section is $8,312 – $71,000. Hospitals located in areas with higher cost-of-living rates were on the upper end of the scale. The good news is that hospitals are required to publish fees. Research hospitals in your area. Private hospitals charge more than public hospitals. Since insurance is mandatory now, out-of-pocket fees differ. The national average is $4,000 for an uncomplicated birth and 4,500 for a C-section. Researching your planned hospital is essential when budgeting for the birth of your child.

Baby’s first year costing

Once your bundle of joy is home, the average cost for the baby’s first year according to a 2010 USDA report will be about $12,000. This includes childcare, diapers, formula, clothing, nursery furniture and a car seat, which is required for you to be able to take the baby home. A car seat is best purchased new for safety reasons. The cost of a car seat ranges from $90 – $350.00. Diapers cost about $700.00 for disposables. Buying and washing your own cloth diapers is most cost effective. Breastfeeding has health benefits and cost benefits as well. If you use a baby formula, expect to pay $1,500 – $2,000 a year. The largest part of the budget for a child’s first year is the cost of child care for working parents. The childcare cost is on average $6,750 per year. The expense of childcare goes down as your child becomes older and is potty trained. Clothing, a baby stroller and accessories are all aspects of expenses you will encounter during your child’s first year.

Scopes of costing

There are ways to lower the cost of your baby’s first year. Purchasing diapers and wipes in bulk at a large warehouse such as Costco is well worth the membership fees. The bulk rate is much cheaper than at the grocery store. Consider clothing that is in good condition to be sold and purchased online through online venues such as StorkBrokers and Swapbabygoods . Here you will find slightly used clothing that is in wonderful condition. Children outgrow their own clothes generally before they outwear them. You can find gently used baby equipment, diaper bags, and other essentials. Check local yard sales and consignment stores for great deals on nursery furniture. Don’t invest a lot of money in 0 – 3 month sizes. Many infants are born larger than that size, so try to find 3-6 month clothing to start with. Onesies are economical outfits. Infant gowns with drawstrings at the bottom are a huge timesaver. Give them a try and you will appreciate how much quicker you can change a diaper in the gowns than a Onesie. Baby shampoo such as Johnson and Johnson can be found inexpensively at Walmart and occasionally at dollar stores.

The cost of raising a child stays pretty much the same with the exception of food cost until they turn three years of age. By three, getting out of diapers will greatly reduce your annual cost. Childcare cost for a potty-trained child is significantly less than for an infant. Yet childcare costs are still very high, and if you have two children under school age, mothers often quit work to stay at home with their children. Mainly, this is because the majority of their income is spent on child care. The cost of childcare depends on where you live in the United States. The annual cost for a potty-trained child in South Carolina is about $4,100 per year. The annual cost in New York however, is $9,600. Rates are determined by cost of living expenses and average salaries.

How to adjust the costing

Mothers who stay at home to care for their children often work at taking in other children to compensate for not staying at their professional career. Childcare licensing requirements differ from state to state, so if you are considering taking in children to supplement your income, it is important to research your state laws . Selling items on eBay, or creating an online business have been successful ways for stay-at-home mothers to earn additional money. Freelance writing or writing e-books has become a viable way to earn extra funds too. If you have a creative talent such as jewelry making or knitting, try Etsy for selling your handcrafted items. Try taking online surveys. It won’t make you rich, but it is an easy way to bring in a couple of hundred dollars a month.

There is no amount of money that compares to having your child. Spend as much time as possible with your child. The relationship between parent and child is unique and long lasting. Strapping your first infant into the car seat and taking them home, is the beginning of many years of happiness. Thankfully, with revised health care options, being able to do just that has become more affordable than in previous years.

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