How Much Does an MRI Cost?

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and is a test which creates a digital image of soft tissue such as muscles, nerves, discs, and the brain. If an MRI test is requested by a medical professional, many insurance companies including Medicare will reimburse for the price paid. MRI’s are expensive tests which utilize magnetism and radio waves to provide images of what is inside the body. Radiologists are the specialists that interpret the MRI results. Usually, the fee for the radiologist is not included with the price of the test.

The average cost of an MRI in the U.S. is $2,000 – $3,000 depending on whether or not a contrast dye injection is used. Independent testing clinics do not have the overhead costs that a 24 hour hospital incurs. Your patience in researching different facilities could produce a savings of hundreds or even thousands of dollars. If you are under-insured (you have insurance but a high deductible), or if you need to pay out of pocket, then research is essential to lower the cost of testing. Rates vary from facility to facility within the same cities.

The average rate is also dependent on where you live. Here are average cost procedures in three states. In Orlando, FL the average is $2,229, while in Dallas, Texas the cost is $3,624. In Salt Lake City, Utah the price is $1,694. These averages could vary by a thousand dollars depending on which facility was utilized.

Prices of MRI’s are also formulated, depending on which body part needs to have the test. Cash prices vary considerable, so call each viable scanning facility and ask for quotes. If you participate in an Employees Group Benefit Program, you can have the cost of the MRI paid for by your employer’s group insurance provider. The majority of such programs carry “extra contractual” arrangements, so do not hesitate to see if this is an option for you. The expense involved is tax-deductible for your employer.

The internet is a fabulous tool to get you started on price information. Input MRI and your city and state into a search engine. Several options should come up for you to start your research. Always inquire about the price and the radiologist fee. Make sure the test is necessary and does not concern a problem that can’t be viewed with an ordinary X-rays. If Multiple Sclerosis or another such serious ailment is suspected, go to the foundations for the disease in which you have been diagnosed. They also offer funds for people diagnosed with such conditions to obtain MRI’s. Education and knowledge from research will assist you in getting the tests that you need completed for a fair price.

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