How Much Do Online College Courses Cost?

Online courses are typically the same cost per hour as their brick and mortar counterparts. Yet there are advantages to online courses. The most important advantages include reducing travel costs associated with commuting to school and eliminating expensive housing fees. The majority of online college students can keep their day job and complete courses online. The most important factor when determining which online college to attend is to make sure the college is accredited. Employers seek degrees from accredited colleges, not from paper mills where one pays for a degree rather than earns it.

The fees for online colleges vary tremendously depending on whether it is a community college or a university. State community colleges offer the lowest rates in online education because they are partially or entirely financed by the federal government. They offer two-year AA degrees, not four-year diplomas. The second consideration is which type of degree you are working toward. Billing hours or credits are increments which are defined by each college. Billing hours are the amount of time a student spends in direct contact with an instructor or with laboratory equipment. Credits are the other type of increments colleges use. Private and for-profit colleges have the highest tuition rates. Rates of tuition depend on the field of study you go into, of course. For example, obtaining credits in a business management course might be 391 dollars per credit, and 681 dollars per credit for an engineering degree offered at the same college.

The highest ranking online universities are listed below with their current per credit hour rate. This rate does not include books or other fees Only the online courses offering full four-year degrees were evaluated.

Kaplan – $336

Post – $825

Strayer – $1,420 (flat rate per course, not credit hour)

Ashford – $413

Liberty – $385

Walden – $280

American Inter Continental – $302

Grand Canyon – $687.50

Capella $505 – 768

American Public University System – $250

These top-ten-ranking online universities offer four-year programs from start to finish. As noted, community colleges offer two-year degrees and credits. The majority of online universities accept credits from a state community college which are transferable to the universities. Beginning your higher education at a community college can save tens of thousands of dollars from the final cost of getting a degree.

Researching your state’s community college tuition is completed with ease on the computer. Residents of any particular state have a lower tuition rate than non-residents of that state. A few examples include Portland Community College with $88.00 per credit hour for residents and $216 per credit hour for their non-resident counterparts. St. Louis Community College’s current rate is $98.00 per credit hour and $199 for non residents. Columbus State Community College is $132.60 and $293.69 for non residents.

Education online is expensive, so knowing which are the most well-rewarded degrees that have available job opportunities is an important component of choosing a college education wisely. One “hot” degree for 2014 and beyond is biomedical engineering, in fact it leads all other professions in growth demand. U.S. News and World Report has forecast a growth of 62% in demand for individuals possessing this degree. People holding this degree learn biology and medicine. They perform research with other type of professionals such as life scientists , chemists, and medical scientists on biological aspects of humans and animals. They also develop medical devices such as the lasers used by doctors to correct vision.

Biometrics is a good choice too. This area of study teaches how to create automated identification devices, such as facial recognition equipment. This field is constantly evolving and has high levels of demand.

Students of forensic science — another good field — become proficient in using technology to investigate crimes. They are also involved in creating programs to prevent crime.

Computer game design is another in-demand degree. Here, designers learn to create games using animation, audio design, and software programming.

Data science combines math, statistical and computer science skills and is geared toward our computerized market.

A business analytics degree teaches the date and statistics necessary to examine and evaluate business performance. This is an essential job for many companies.

Social work degrees combined with a master’s degree comprise a super combo that will provide job security for years to come.

Cyber security is hot right now too, and teaches how to protect computer systems. People can expect available jobs in health care, energy solutions, and security service establishments as well.

Today’s options for education have increased substantially in recent years. Once, full-time students receiving student loans comprised the majority of those seeking a college education. However, students of today are more likely to be older and working, and will therefore attend college on a part-time basis. Online advancement and obtaining degrees has been made easier for people in the workforce.

The current requirements of our fast-paced workforce include a demand for people with degrees in biomedical engineering, computer science, biometrics, data analysis, cyber security and health care. Research your potential college and choose only accredited programs. Find out if the company you work for provides financial assistance for obtaining college degrees.

Consider the life-changing benefits to be derived from a well-respected online college. Getting a degree will advance your marketability in today’s volatile work force, giving you the edge needed to secure the job of your dreams.

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